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Candidate Ana Bailão Announces Details On Plan To Support Vulnerable Residents

This morning Ana Bailão announced details on her plan to support vulnerable residents in Toronto by taking a housing-first approach and providing mental health and wraparound services. 

Ana made the announcement from the site of 44 modular housing apartments, that she was able to build in just 6 short months in 2021. The supportive housing was quickly built to provide residents who had been living outside with safe and secure housing while she was the local City Councillor and Deputy Mayor. 

Ana announced that as Mayor she would:

Speaking to her announcement, Ana said “Housing is more than four walls and a roof – it is foundational for a good life, it provides safety, security, and dignity for those who have it. As Mayor, I will take a housing-first approach to support our most vulnerable residents, and push for greater access to mental health and wraparound supports for those in need.”

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