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Candidate Mitzie Hunter Announces Plans For Toronto Parks

More shade trees, litter bins cleared more often, clean and working washrooms and drinking fountains, allow responsible consumption of alcohol in parks

Toronto – Mitzie Hunter, mayoral candidate, has issued a five-point plan to enhance and improve our neighbourhood parks.

Under Hunter’s plan she will:

“Parks are the heart of our city,” says Hunter. “For too long, they’ve been under-invested in. My plan will improve and enhance our parks.”

Hunter has presented a fully-costed platform including a balanced budget plan. It includes $10 million a year for enhanced litter bin clearance and $7.7 million over three years to fix and improve park washrooms and drinking water fountains.

As previously announced, public parks will be at the heart of Hunter’s plan to renew Toronto as a creative city, recognizing their importance to quality of life and their potential to host cultural events and activities. 

Hunter will add more than 17 acres of new parks and green space at 68 sites across the city through her proposed Toronto Affordable Housing Corporation (TAHC).  

There will be 34 new sites with on-site playgrounds for building residents and local neighbours and 34 new sites with larger parkettes offering green space, exercise stations and playgrounds for building residents and local neighbours.These parks will be installed with senior-friendly outdoor fitness equipment in the design and refurbishment of new TAHC parks. 

“As mayor, I will enhance and improve neighbourhood parks in every part of the city,” Hunter said.

The measures are included in Hunter’s fully-costed plan to Fix the Six for a Toronto that works for everyone. While others refuse to be clear on their property tax proposals, Hunter has put forward her 3 & 6 plan detailed in her platform released Thursday.

Under this plan, the 40 per cent of homeowners with household income under $80,000 will have a below-inflation increase equal to 3% – $108 per year for the average Toronto homeowner.

More than 50 per cent of all seniors who are homeowners will be able to eliminate or defer their property tax increase so they have no out-of-pocket increase. 

Higher-income homeowners who can afford to pay a little more will be asked to pay six per cent which is $216 per year for the average Toronto homeowner. This is only slightly more than the 5.5-per-cent increase in 2023.  

It’s a new, different, affordable and progressive way to adjust property tax increases fairly.

“I want to lead Toronto’s revival. I have a comprehensive, fully-costed plan to do exactly that. A plan that does not depend upon the wishful thinking that other levels of government will provide a Toronto-only bail out. That has never happened before. And it isn’t going to happen now. We need to get going ourselves, and we can. So we can then invest and build the Toronto we want.” 

Notes for remarks by Mitzie Hunter announcing her plan to build and ”, May 27 2023:

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