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City of Brampton adopts 2024 Budget

 Following an extensive city-wide engagement, the first-ever Mayor’s budget was adopted.  

Brampton’s 2024 Budget supports the needs of a growing population while making record contributions to reserves and priority investments in infrastructure, transportation, recreational amenities, health care, and community safety. 

2024 Budget Highlights 

Affordability & Service Excellence 

Health Care 




Shaped by our Community 

This year’s budget, focused on building the Brampton advantage, was developed with feedback from residents and local businesses: 

About Brampton’s Budget Development Process 

The City’s annual budget process engages, educates and informs the citizens of Brampton through communications and engagement efforts, including telephone town halls, coffee chats, advertisements, news releases, social media, and the City’s budget website.   

This year’s budget supports the City of Brampton’s Corporate Strategic Plan 2022-2026. This critical document will provide a structure to prioritize and deliver what is most important to the community. The plan is a living plan that sets the context for the City’s budget master plans, projects, services, and resources.

Additional Resources  


“I am very pleased that the 2024 Budget is now adopted. This budget demonstrates our commitment to building the Brampton advantage. This is a budget for jobs, for families, for recreation, for transit, for health care, and for community safety. I would like to thank my Council colleagues, City staff and you – the taxpayers of Brampton – for providing feedback, ideas, and helping us successfully develop this budget.”

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