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MPP McGregor Working With Local Gurdwara to Keep Seniors Safe and Active

Seniors Community Grant Supports Guru Nanak Mission Centre to Protect Seniors and Combat Social Isolation

The Ontario government is investing in the seniors of Brampton North with a $25,000 grant to the Guru Nanak Mission Centre to help seniors stay safe, fit, active, healthy, and socially connected across the community.

The Guru Nanak Mission Centre has received this funding through the Senior’s Community Grant to inform seniors, in English and Punjabi, about their rights and steps they can take to stay safe from scams and theft. In the second phase of their project, the Know Your Rights: Be Safe and Live a Full Life program, they will also organize and facilitate gurdwara tours for seniors so they can stay active and connected with what matters most to them.

“I was elected to deliver government grants to local organizations in Brampton North and that is exactly what I am doing,” said Graham McGregor, MPP for Brampton North. “For far too long, Brampton and the people that helped build it have been forgotten. I will continue to work everyday to ensure Brampton gets its fair share and local organizations like the Guru Nanak Mission Centre receive the support they deserve.”

“Seniors Community Grants are keeping our seniors fit, active, healthy and socially connected close to home, in their communities,” said Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. “Our government is proud to invest in these projects with local organizations to meet the needs of seniors, provide the supports seniors need and deserve that also help to battle social isolation.”

“At the Gurdwara Guru Nanak Mission Centre, we recognize the need to educate seniors about their rights so that they are neither neglected nor abused. That is why our project is aimed to educate seniors and raise broader awareness amongst the community. I would like to thank MPP Graham McGregor for his advocacy in helping deliver this much needed funding,” said Manohar Singh Bal, Director of the Guru Nanak Mission Centre.

These projects are part of the 305 Seniors Community Grants investing into communities across Ontario this year. Since 2018, Ontario has funded 1249 community-based projects and invested almost $22 million dollars in Seniors Community Grants that have kept seniors fit, active, healthy, and connected while helping to end social isolation and combat ageism.

In Brampton North a total of $75,000 has been invested to support 3 different community-based projects:

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