Anushka Sharma and former Indian skipper Virat Kohli welcomed their second child on February 15th. After staying away from cricket for a while, Virat returned to India to play the latest edition of IPL. However, Anushka Sharma remained in London this whole time. But the actor returned to Mumbai on Tuesday along with Vamika and Akaay. Anushka showed Akaay’s face to the paps as well. This has not only earned her some fans but from Instant Bollywood to Viral Bhayani, several paparazzi pages have hailed the actor for this deed.
Anushka showed the first glimpse of Akaay
The paparazzi pages took to Instagram to share the update with their fans. According to the post, Anushka Sharma was spotted at the airport with their two children. During this time, as usual, she kept their children away from the cameras. She met the paparazzi and also talked to them. Not only this, Anushka also showed a glimpse of their son Akaay to the paparazzi. But refused to take pictures. “Even though she did not allow the paps to click photos or videos of her two kids, she did say that she would do a photo of herself when the kids are not around,” further read the post.
Anushka-Virat shared the good news on Instagram
Let us tell you that Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli had given the good news of Akaay’s arrival by sharing a post on their social media profiles. The couple had written in the post, ‘With great joy and love, we are giving you the good news that on February 15, a baby boy and Vamika’s younger brother Akaay was born in our house. We seek your blessings and good wishes during this time. We also ask you to give us privacy. Love, Virat and Anushka.”