Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah are scheduled to cast their votes in Gandhinagar Lok Sabha constituency tomorrow morning. PM Modi is expected to arrive at 7:30 AM, while Amit Shah will vote at 9:15 AM. Additionally, Delhi’s Lieutenant Governor, VK Saxena, will cast his vote at 10:15 AM. PM Modi’s anticipated arrival in Gandhinagar highlighted the significance of Gujarat in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.
Security arrangements
Ahead of the high-profile visits, security arrangements have been beefed up in Gandhinagar to ensure the smooth conduct of voting. Authorities are prepared to handle the influx of voters and maintain law and order during the voting process.
‘Run for Vote’ marathon
PM Modi is set to vote at Nishan Higher Secondary School in Ahmedabad during Tuesday’s third phase of Lok Sabha polls. The school has been designated as a polling booth, and preparations for polling arrangements are underway. A ‘Run for Vote’ marathon was organised in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad on Sunday morning to raise awareness among youth about casting their votes in the Lok Sabha Elections 2024. This event was part of the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) drive, aimed at promoting the importance of 100 percent voting.
Election dynamics in Gujarat
In Gujarat, the BJP secured all 26 available seats in both the 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha polls. However, this time, the Congress is in alliance with the AAP and will contest from 24 seats, while the AAP will contest in two constituencies. Voting for 25 out of 26 seats in Gujarat is scheduled for the third phase of the general elections on May 7.
Constituencies and exclusions
The third phase will include constituencies from various regions of Gujarat, except Surat, where BJP candidate Mukesh Dalal was elected unopposed last week. This decision came after the rejection of Congress’ Nilesh Kumbhani’s nomination and the withdrawal of other candidates from the contest.