Makers of Janhvi Kapoor-starrer Ulajh unveiled the much-awaited teaser of the film. In the teaser, Janhvi is seen battling it out for the nation against the ‘world of lies, deceit and betrayals’.Taking to Instagram, the actress shared the teaser and wrote, ”Enter the world of lies, deceit and betrayals- #Ulajh in cinemas on the 5th of July.”
In the teaser, Janhvi Kapoor is heard saying just one dialogue which is captivating much attention from the viewers. She says, ”Gaddari ki keemat sirf jaan se chukai ja sakti hai, jaan deke ya jaan leke.”
Netizens’ reaction
Soon after the teaser was unveiled by the film’s makers, social media users expressed their views on it in the comment section. One user wrote, ”Too good , your body posture and expressions everything is so good.” ”OMGGG GIRLL YOU NAILED ITT!!,” wrote another. A third user commented, ”Baby you on fire. Good luck jerry, mili, bawaal and now Ulajh. The way you just keep getting better!!! One hit performance after another. Making you mumma super proud.”