Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, starring Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff in the lead roles, was finally released in cinemas on April 11, 2024, on the occasion of Eid. The festival has always brought attracted huge masses to theatres and this year was no exception. Despite being released alongside Ajay Devgn-starrer Maidaan, BMCM managed to churn out big at the box office and minted Rs 15.50 crore on Day 1. As per, the film had an overall 30.35 per cent occupancy on Thursday, with a major contribution coming from the evening shows.
Trade analysts are predicting good business for BMCM on the extended weekend, i.e., Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The film is expected to cross Rs 50 crore mark easily with the help of mostly positive reviews from film critics as well as positive word-of-mouth.