Bade Miyan Chhote Miyan is finally released in cinemas amid high anticipation among fans. Starring Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff in the lead roles, the actioner starts with a mysterious attack, after which the biggest threat looms over India, following which the Indian army deploys two of its court-martialled soldiers to save the country from the dangerous conspiracy.
A terrorist attack takes place as the story of Bade Miyan Chote Miyan commences, which becomes a point of concern for Indian ministers to senior army officers. The masked man who carried out this (Prithviraj) warns of major terrorist activities to come through a video message. After the martyrdom of many soldiers, Ronit Roy, seen in the role of Colonel Azad, makes a plan to deal with this matter. Meanwhile, Manushi Chhillar (Captain Misha) brings court-martialled soldiers Captain Rajiv (Tiger Shroff) and Captain Firoz (Akshay Kumar) into the mission. The story moves forward and reaches Oxford, London, where Alaya F (Dr Parminder) in a bubbly avatar comes across Tiger Shroff and Manushi and learns that they are also a part of the mission and will be assisting the lead characters with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloning technologies.
Meanwhile, the story goes into flashbacks several times and establishes the old relationship of Bade Miyan Chhote Miyan i.e. Tiger Shroff and Akshay Kumar with the masked enemy Kabir. This flashback journey reveals how the masked enemy turned from a friend to an enemy. As per the storyline, Kabir is a scientist working on AI and cloning techniques, who wants to make soldiers for India with this technology, but the Army disapproves of his plan and now he wants to take revenge on them.
During this flashback, the character of Sonakshi Sinha is introduced which is quite small but important. She is also a scientist of the Indian Army, who prepares Karan Kavach for the defence of the country. Amidst all this, the story takes many twists and turns and tries to keep the audience engaged with amazing action sequences. Bade Miyan Chote Miyan is full of suspense till the interval, however, the actual reason of the antagonist is revealed in the second half of the film.
‘Bade Miyan’ Akshay Kumar, who is known for action in the beginning of his career will be seen doing high-octane action in the film, from flying a bike to riding two horses together, he is strong in every action scene. At the age of 56, Akshay Kumar is seen breathing life into the action scenes like a newcomer. In terms of his comic timing in the film, it could have been better, because that has been Akshay’s forte in his recent films.
On the other hand, Tiger Shroff has emerged brilliantly in the character of Captain Rajiv. He will also be seen performing major action stunts and there is a lot of improvement in his facial expressions this time, if we compare it to his previous films. It can be said that people will get to see his best acting to date in Bade Miyan Chote Miyan.
In most of the scenes, Akshay and Tiger will be seen together, hence the coordination between the two is also amazing.
Talking about the antagonist, Prithviraj Sukumaran, without a shadow of a doubt dominated in the film and his heavy voice in the film will surely impress you. The modulation of his voice suited his expressions perfectly. Prithviraj Sukumaran’s movements are also making him the perfect villain. Looking at him, it seems that he has completely made Kabir’s character his own and has left no stone unturned in getting into it.