Rajasthan Lok Sabha Election 2024: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday lashed out at Congress saying that during its rule, even listening to Hanuman Chalisa was a crime and Rajasthan has been its sufferer. Addressing an election rally in Tonk-Sawai Madhopur, the Prime Minister said that for the first time this year, a Shobha Yatra procession was taken out in the state on the occasion of Ram Navami.
“In a state like Rajasthan where people chant Ram-Ram, Congress banned Ram Navami…,” PM Modi said.
PM Modi further attacked the ‘Grand Old Party’ and said, “While talking to you today on Hanuman Jayanti, I remember a picture from a few days ago. A few days ago, in Congress-ruled Karnataka, a shopkeeper was brutally beaten up only because he was listening to Hanuman Chalisa while sitting in his shop.”