Firing outside Salman Khan’s residence in Mumbai has taken his fans by shock. From heavy security to fans wavering their concern over the superstar’s safety, everything has been gaining momentum. In a recent development regarding the firing incident outside Salman Khan’s residence at the Galaxy Apartment in Bandra on April 14, the Mumbai Crime Branch has recovered the second gun.
Mumbai Crime Branch found the second from the Tapi River of Surat. Mumbai Crime Branch has also found three magazines along with the gun. In this case, the Crime Branch recovered a gun yesterday (April 22) based on the information of shooter Vicky Gupta.
Earlier, on April 16, Kutch Police arrested the two accused persons and handed them to the Mumbai Crime Branch. Later, a city court sent the two accused to the custody of the Mumbai Crime Branch until April 25 in connection with the firing incident. The accused, identified as Vicky Gupta (24) and Sagar Pal (21) from Bihar, were presented before the court after a medical examination.
The two men, who came on a motorbike, fired four rounds outside the Galaxy Apartments, where the actor resides, around 5:00 am on Sunday morning and fled. CCTV footage showed that both accused sported caps and carried backpacks. The clip also showed them firing in the direction of the actor’s home. After the arrest of the accused, Kutch DSP AR Zankant said preliminary investigations revealed that the accused were in contact with the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.