Netflix on Wednesday morning shared a new trailer of the upcoming weekend episode, featuring Janhvi Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao. The trailer begins with Janhvi and Rajkummar playing dumb charades where the actress is seen making hilarious expressions and the actor has to guess the name of the sweet dish. While mimicking, Janhvi jokingly portrayed different animals but Rajkummar couldn’t guess the name. Later, the actress requests the host Kapil Sharma to not put her antics in the trailer. However, after sharing the segment at the beginning of the trailer, Netflix also commented, ”sorry trailer mein dal diya.”
In the trailer, Kapil is also seen funnily asking Janhvi about her expectations regarding a perfect life partner. He queried whether she would choose a life partner with the same interest as “jis Shikhar par aap aaj hai,” which is in context to her rumoured beau Shikhar Pahariya. After hearing to this, she starts blushing.