Ice caps shrink, oceans rise,
Heat waves burn, the warning cries.
Earth’s soft whimper that I can recognize.
Storms rage violently, while winds run free,
Weather is always shifting unpredictably.
Lush rivers disappear, the rich soil goes dry,
Life hangs low beneath the changing sky.
Wildfires spread, the sky turns gray,
Animals flee, they’re heading astray
Coral reefs dullen, the gorgeous colors fade,
Nature’s elegance, almost decayed.
The world we embraced is becoming bare,
But hope may arise if we all truly care,
And treat the earth with love and flair.
Each action counts, we shall unite,
Plant a tree, reduce the waste,
Act with urgency, not in haste.
Together, we can fix the land,
Generations saved by our hands.
So earth can everlong stand.
About the author Prachi Sharma
Prachi Sharma is a 8th grade student in Lynn Rose school and has written this to celebrate Mississauga’s 50th anniversary and has asked to pay attention towards much needed focus on climate change.
A poem, written by an 8th-grade student, is a profound and moving reflection on the urgent crisis facing our planet.Despite the poem’s somber tone, it carries a message of hope and a call to action. It urges us to unite and take responsibility, showing a maturity and awareness that is truly remarkable for someone so young. This poem serves as a reminder that the future generations are already feeling the weight of the legacy they will inherit. Through her words, Prachi challenges us all to take meaningful steps toward preserving our planet. Her plea is simple yet powerful: we must act with urgency to ensure that the earth “can everlong stand.”
Prachis views resonate with a purity and clarity of thought and gives her a firm “place at the table” in this global conversation about climate change… because she feels the heavy impact on her generation which we all adults seem to find easy to ignore.
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