Salman Khan was last seen with actress Katrina Kaif in the film Tiger 3, released in the year 2023. Shah Rukh Khan as Pathaan also had a cameo in this film. After staying away from the screen for a while, Salman Khan will soon be seen in the film Sikandar. On Monday, a new update has come out regarding this movie. Producer Sajid Nadiadwala’s team has revealed the shooting date of the film. Moreover, they have also claimed that the actor will be shooting the ‘BIGGEST Air Action sequence’.
Producer Sajid Nadiadwala’s team has announced the shooting date of ‘Sikandar’ by sharing his photo with Salman Khan on social media account X. “NGEFamily is super excited to share the date of our first day of shoot for #Sikandar on the 18th of June with the BIGGEST Air Action sequence! #SajidNadiadwala’s #Sikandar Directed by @ARMurugadoss @BeingSalmanKhan @iamRashmika @WardaNadiadwala #SikandarEid2025,” read the caption. Although the location of the film has not been revealed, it is being speculated that the first shooting schedule will be in Mumbai itself. After this, some sequences will be shot in Hyderabad and then abroad.