29 August: Sukhbir Singh Badal, President of the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), appointed Balwinder Singh Bhunder as the party’s working president on Thursday. This decision comes just a day before a significant meeting of five Sikh high priests in Amritsar, where crucial “Panthic issues” are expected to be discussed. The meeting, scheduled for August 30, will be led by Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Raghbir Singh.
The appointment of Bhunder is seen as part of a strategic move by Badal, who wishes to approach the Akal Takht not as the party president but as a humble Sikh. Badal has sought “unconditional forgiveness” for mistakes made during SAD’s rule in Punjab and will comply with any decision made by the Akal Takht. This follows recent turmoil within the party, where some members demanded Badal’s resignation after a poor performance in the Lok Sabha elections in Punjab.
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