Mr. and Mrs. Mahi starring Janhvi Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao has been in the news for a long time regarding its release. Directed by Sharan Sharma, the film is a sports drama based on the life of former Indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni. After many delays, the makers of Mr. and Mrs. Mahi have finally revealed its release date. Moreover, producer Karan Johar and actor Janhvi Kapoor took to their Instagram profiles to share a new poster. Not only does this poster reveal the theme of the upcoming film. But the onscreen names of Janhvi Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao have also been revealed.
Ace filmmaker and producer Karan Johar shared a new poster of the Janhvi and Rajkummar Rao starrer. In this poster, both the actors can be seen cheering from a cricket stadium. Moreover, Janhvi’s jersey has Mahima written on the back of it and Rao has Mahendra written on his back. “It’s time to follow YOUR dreams, the field is yours to own!” read Karan’s caption.