Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s repeated ‘slip of tongue’ instances have been drawing significant attention amid the Lok Sabha Elections 2024. Following the flub where he mentioned “four thousand seats for the NDA,” for which he has been consistently targeted by the opposition, the Bihar Chief Minister on Sunday erroneously stated that “Narendra Modi will become Chief Minister once again.”
During an election rally in Patna, the senior Janata Dal (United) leader inadvertently commented, “We wish to win over 400 seats across India and respected Narendra Modi should become Chief Minister again. Then India will develop, Bihar will develop, everything will happen,” Kumar was heard saying.
Meanwhile, as soon as the other leaders on the dias realized the mistakes, they corrected the Chief Minister. Correcting his error, Kumar added, “Narendra Modi is already the Prime Minister. I am saying that he will now move ahead. That is what I want.”
“Narendra Modi Pradhan Mantri toh hai he. Hum toh keh rahe hai ki woh aage badhe. Hum yahi chahte hai (Narendra Modi is already the Prime Minister. I am saying that he will now move ahead. That is what I want),” Kumar clarified.