BRAMPTON, ON — The City of Brampton has amended its Property Standards By-law 165-2022 to prevent unsafe overcrowding in residential dwellings by setting occupancy standards for individuals aged 18 years old and older. These changes reflect the City’s commitment to ensuring access to affordable and safe housing.
Key amendments to the by-law effective January 22, 2025:
- Establishing scaled bedroom floor area requirements for multiple occupancies for residents aged 18 years old and older:
- Where a bedroom is provided to three occupants, there must be a minimum total floor area of 14 square-metres (i.e., approx.150 square-feet). This amendment aligns with the requirements under the Ontario Building Code for rooms such as dormitories.
- Where a bedroom is provided to four or more occupants, there must be a minimum floor area of seven square-metres (i.e. approx. 75 square-feet) per occupant.
- Increased fines for repeat violations: Penalties for non-compliance associated with repeat offenders have been introduced. Following a thorough investigation from by-law enforcement officers, appropriate fines will be levied as follows:
- First offence: $500 (no change)
- Second offence: $750
- Subsequent offences: $1,000
The conversion of other rooms into bedrooms without a building permit remains prohibited under the by-law. The by-law’s occupancy standards, including these new amendments, apply to all residential dwellings in the city, including houses, condominiums and apartments, whether they are occupied by the owner or rented.
The amended by-law is a direct response to address community feedback, balancing residents’ right to cohabitate without compromising health and safety. It is also part of a broader City initiative to address housing challenges and ensure reliable and safe housing for all. The City acknowledges the importance of ongoing monitoring and evaluation of these amendments, and may consider further amendments, as necessary.